Inversion (discrete mathematics)

In computer science and discrete mathematics, an inversion in a sequence of numbers is a pair of numbers in the sequence that are "out of order" with respect to an ascending or descending order.



Formally, let (A(1), \ldots, A(n)) be a sequence of n distinct numbers. If i < j and A(i) > A(j), then the pair (i, j) is called an inversion of A.[1][2]

The inversion number of a sequence is one common measure of its sortedness.[3][2] Formally, the inversion number is defined to be the number of inversions, that is,

\text{inv}(A) = \# \{(A(i),A(j)) \mid i < j \text{ and } A(i) > A(j)\}.[3]

Other measures of (pre-)sortedness include the minimum number of elements that can be deleted from the sequence to yield a fully sorted sequence, the number and lengths of sorted "runs" within the sequence, and the smallest number of exchanges needed to sort the sequence.[4] Standard comparison sorting algorithms can be adapted to compute the inversion number in time O(n log n).

The inversion vector V(i) of the sequence is defined for i = 2, ..., n as V[i] = \left\vert\{k \mid k < i \text{ and } A(k) > A(i)\}\right\vert. In other words each element is the number of elements preceding the element in the original sequence that are greater than it. Note that the inversion vector of a sequence has one less element than the sequence, because of course the number of preceding elements that are greater than the first is always zero. Each permutation of a sequence has a unique inversion vector and it is possible to construct any given permutation of a (fully sorted) sequence from that sequence and the permutation's inversion vector.[5]

Weak order of permutations

The set of permutations on n items can be given the structure of a partial order, called the weak order of permutations, which forms a lattice.

To define this order, consider the items being permuted to be the integers from 1 to n, and let Inv(u) denote the set of inversions of a permutation u for the natural ordering on these items. That is, Inv(u) is the set of ordered pairs (i, j) such that 1 ≤ i < jn and u(i) > u(j). Then, in the weak order, we define uv whenever Inv(u) ⊆ Inv(v).

The edges of the Hasse diagram of the weak order are given by permutations u and v such that u < v and such that v is obtained from u by interchanging two consecutive values of u. These edges form a Cayley graph for the group of permutations that is isomorphic to the skeleton of a permutohedron.

The identity permutation is the minimum element of the weak order, and the permutation formed by reversing the identity is the maximum element.


The following files show the permutations of 4 elements, their inversion vectors and their sets of up to six inversions. When a pair (i,j) is marked in red as an element of the inversion set, it means that the elements on places i and j are out of their natural order in the permutation. For example the inversion set of permutation number 1 contains only the pair (1,2), so only the elements on places 1 and 2 are out of their natural order.

These are the six possible pairs.

See also


  1. ^ Cormen et al. 2001, pp. 39.
  2. ^ a b Vitter & Flajolet 1990, pp. 459.
  3. ^ a b Barth & Mutzel 2004, pp. 183.
  4. ^ Mahmoud 2000, pp. 284.
  5. ^ Pemmaraju & Skiena 2003, pp. 69.

Source bibliography

  • Barth, Wilhelm; Mutzel, Petra (2004). "Simple and Efficient Bilayer Cross Counting". Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 8 (2): 179–194. 
  • Cormen, Thomas H.; Leiserson, Charles E.; Rivest, Ronald L.; Stein, Clifford (2001). Introduction to Algorithms (2nd ed.). MIT Press and McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-262-53196-8. 
  • Mahmoud, Hosam Mahmoud (2000). "Sorting Nonrandom Data". Sorting: a distribution theory. Wiley-Interscience series in discrete mathematics and optimization. 54. Wiley-IEEE. ISBN 9780471327103. 
  • Pemmaraju, Sriram V.; Skiena, Steven S. (2003). "Permutations and combinations". Computational discrete mathematics: combinatorics and graph theory with Mathematica. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521806862. 
  • Vitter, J.S.; Flajolet, Ph. (1990). "Average-Case Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures". In van Leeuwen, Jan. Algorithms and Complexity. 1 (2nd ed.). Elsevier. ISBN 9780444880710. 

Further reading

Presortedness measures